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The Good Livin’ Collection by Kristi Clarke

It’s been a minute since we’ve released a blog – and what better time to do so than now; introducing Kristi Clarke and talking a little more about how this 8-week series of collection drops are going to work! 

First – Who is @paperalibi/Kristi Clarke?

Kristi Clarke BC artist in the spotlight, headshot and mug plus canvas pictured

BC-based artist Kristi Clarke has been working in the arts for the better part of her life with a current focus on digital illustration.

Although Kristi has always had an interest in art, her love for art was developed when she attended school for graphic design in Vancouver. While working with a variety of clients over the course of her career she still managed to continue her art education displaying her work in galleries and participating in various local art projects. She worked in the industry for a decade before pivoting into illustration.

Kristi uses a soft colour pallet and texture to give a unique life to her style. She loves to draw characters, food and plants. Her illustrations often have a warm and whimsical feel. She believes art should make you slow down, think and absorb little things in life that are often overlooked.

Kristi now lives and works in Kelowna with her husband Darren and their fur babies, a cat named McFly and a dog named Nola. Besides drawing, she finds great joy in her garden and cooking. They can often be found in the backyard with the pets enjoying a glass of wine in the garden. 

You can follow her work on her Instagram and facebook (@paperalibi) as well as displayed periodically at local establishments. There is also a selection of work available for purchase on her website – kristiclarke.com

What are these ‘drops’ you speak of?

Every week on Sunday over the next 8 weeks, Kristi and Olivia Rhain Home will be releasing a set of prints and homewares based on an illustration created by Kristi!
The whole theme behind this series is the love of good times, with good people – Good Livin’! This is something we Bourassa’s live by. Kristi was a fan of the idea and agreed to make a new illustration and matching print for every week of her 8 week term with us! We are all super pumped for this series, and we hope you are feeling the excitement too!

happy camper collection drop #1 - cushion, wine and coffee tumblers shown over original camping illustration

How long are the collections available for?

The collections will be available during Kristi Clarke’s entire stay with us, but at the end of the 8 weeks they will be gone for good! So don’t sleep on these whimsical, dreamy designs! Don’t let them be ‘the one that got away’.

What’s the pricing like?

The price you see is the price you pay! No hidden costs, no shipping, it’s all wrapped into the price you see. Who knew supporting your local artists could be so fun and string-free? Also to note; we take a very small commission from each piece in order to run this program, so know that you are directly supporting the artist when you shop the Good Livin’ Collection.

Now what are you waiting for! These items are limited edition after all!

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